
Showing posts from January, 2019

Chapter 9: From Hungary and Suez to Cuba

The view is that during Eisenhower's end of his first term through to his second term between 1956 and 1961 as President that America foreign policy was failing. This was seen through the lack of aid towards Hungary rebels, the Sputnik in 1957 which was the world's first artificial satellite made by the USSR and the centuries old dream of the Russians established themselves in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. There was problems with trust between the US and the British and French after the Suez crisis and there were Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam and Laos which was pushing the balance towards the Communist favour. One of Eisenhower's biggest problem was that he and Dulles wanted 'rollback' this was to free the Communist slaves. The problem was that was at conflict with him trying to balance the budget and trying to avoid war and was struggling to even contain the Communist much less liberate Eastern Europe. One of Eisenhower's main achievement dur